How digital demands are changing the CEO/CIO relationship
Digital is no longer a bug in the corporate system, it's a feature. And as it has become more important, so too has the CIO. Read More
by Jeff Francis

Has Apple lost its mojo? If A.I. is the future, then yes
Even though Apple is on top of the world, it's worth asking: is the company bullet proof? And if not, where are they weak? The answer is A.I. Read More
by Jeff Francis

New AI shines in unlikely field — the law
In a recent study, an algorithm powered A.I. system outpaced human, expert lawyers in NDA analysis. What could that mean for the law? And for lawyers? Read More
by Jeff Francis

What the NFL and Olympics have in common… and can teach you about business
The NFL Championship Game and Olympics are common in more ways than one. And those commonalities can teach you loads about business. Read More
by Jeff Francis

Venture capital backs unlikely horse in 2018 — hardware
Venture capitalists are notoriously gun shy about high-capital investments like startup hardware manufacturers — AI has changed the calculus. And, the result could be an explosion of innovation. Read More
by Jeff Francis

Beware confirmation bias — it’s clouding your strategic vision
Humans are predisposed toward confirmation bias — A.I. is not. That difference reinvented chess and Go this year. What could it do for you? Read More
by Jeff Francis

Walk your talk — we do
In business, it's easy to talk the talk; it's much harder to walk that talk. Norway just proved it does; at ENO8, we prove it every day. Read More
by Jeff Francis

Four things ENO8 is thankful for that we’re actually supposed to hate
We're supposed to hate unfamiliar technology & wasted effort, bugs, difficult clients and overtime; but, in a way, we're thankful for each. Read More
by Jeff Francis

Should you invest in cryptocurrencies? Only if you can vet them like a hedge fund
Cryptocurrencies are booming, but should you invest? Only if you heed 2008's lessons and vet your investments as deeply as a hedge fund does. Read More
by Jeff Francis

You’re not an artificial intelligence company… at least, not yet
So you're using some machine learning? That's great! But don't go thinking you're an AI company just yet — Andrew Ng sets the record straight. Read More
by Jeff Francis
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