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Strategies for Balancing Technical Debt and New Feature Development

If you lead engineering or software development within your enterprise, you know that you walk a shaky tightrope between maintaining your existing systems and pushing forward with new innovations. Balancing technical debt and new feature development is no easy feat — sure, you have to service technical debt, but you... Read More

Should you build a mobile web app, a native app, or both? The answer, the order and why

While desktop internet usage certainly maintains a strong presence within most of our lives, the internet as a whole has rapidly come to court mobile traffic as well. Gone are the days of shrinking a full-size website or application down onto a small screen — every company worth their weight... Read More

What comes after the Smartphones?

Gary Vaynerchuck recently asked a crowded room during one of his speeches, “How many of you would surgically attach your phone to your body right now if you could?” Read More

What is continuous delivery software development and why should you care?

Software development methodology might not sound sexy, but it has massive implications for how mobile-enabled companies do business [...] Read More

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